Image ID: 476

Horse foal was afraid and runs away from videographer
Image attributes:actions affright afraid agriculture alarm animals backgrounds pics base beauty bizarre black photography blue fear blue funk boggle startle boom brown photos camcorder camera camera-recorder carrier CCTV camera chestnut color concepts consternation cute danger day dismay domestic emotions environment photography equipment farm farmhouse fear field filly fitness foal focus foreground freedom fright fun funk gliff grass wallpapers grazing green hobbies holder horse humor ideas image instrument jumping landscapes lens light stand looking male mammals man meadow images mount mount pillar mounting natural art nature images non-urban one wallpaper outdoors pics paddock pasture pavor person photography pets pictures photographer photographic photographing photography plating rack playful power professional rack racking ranch rebellion recruiting running rural scene wallpapers selective sky speed sports stallion standing startle startle response stillage strength sunlight wallpaper support telescopic support three-arm base training Trepied tripod video camera video machine videocamera videographer view wild woofits young
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